Our Team

Our Team

Dibin Sunny

Dibin Sunny

Dibin is the second partner of our company and brings over 8 years of experience in Industrial robot programming to our team. He has successfully executed various projects in multiple robot makes and OEM standards, earning him a reputation for excellence in his field. Dibin takes pride in his work and strives to complete every project perfectly and neatly. His dedication and expertise make him an invaluable asset to our team and to our clients.

Shiju M

Shiju M

Shiju is an experienced industrial robot programmer with 8 years of experience in the field. He has worked on numerous projects, programming robots from different manufacturers and adhering to various OEM standards. Shiju's expertise in robot programming has allowed him to develop efficient and effective automation solutions for a wide range of industrial applications. With a passion for robotics and a dedication to quality, Shiju continues to push the boundaries of industrial automation and help businesses optimize their operations.

Vipin George

Vipin George

Vipin is an experienced industrial robot programmer and service professional with 9 years of expertise in the field. As a partner of his company, he has completed numerous projects with various robot makes and standards. Vipin is known for his intellectual problem-solving skills and can handle tricky situations with ease. His vast knowledge and experience make him a valuable asset to his team and clients.

Akhil Bhaskaran

Akhil Bhaskaran

Akhil is an experienced engineer with over 7 years of experience in industrial robot programming. He has worked on various projects involving multiple robot makes and standards, demonstrating his versatility and adaptability in different environments. Throughout his career, Akhil has proven to be a reliable and competent engineer who can handle tough situations with boldness and confidence. He is known for his problem-solving skills and his ability to think outside the box to find creative solutions to complex challenges. Akhil is a results-oriented professional who is committed to delivering high-quality work and ensuring that projects are completed successfully. He has a passion for robotics and automation, and he is constantly seeking new opportunities to expand his knowledge and expertise in this field. Overall, Akhil is a highly skilled and dedicated engineer who is well-respected in the industry and trusted by his colleagues and clients alike.

Tom George

Tom George

Tom George. 5 years of experience in the field. He has worked on various projects involving multiple robot makes and standards, demonstrating a strong technical aptitude and ability to adapt to different environments. Tom is passionate about staying updated with the latest technologies and strives to apply them in his work. He is dedicated to delivering high-quality work and is known for his attention to detail and problem-solving skills

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